Protein Labeling Must Be Done Properly

By Eula Nichols

The structure of a protein is made up of millions of molecules with millions of connections. To help scientist map these connections a way of marking them would be necessary. By creating a type of tag system they can see the interaction between molecules that make up a protein. The outcome would be to create a protein labeling system can help them keep track of the interactions between the molecules.

A proper strategy is required to target a specific structure and would need to be tailored for each application. These strategies will help insure that the binding is not to strong or weak for the application it is intended for. Strong bindings could be problematic as reversing the marking could not work. On the other hand a weak binding could cause the molecule structure to collapse and adversely affect the outcome of the experiment.

If scientists could determine the interactions between cancer and healthy cells they could find a way to destroy the cancer without damaging the healthy cells around it. This would be a major victory in the war against cancer. Continuous study will eventually eradicate cancer form the human race. Without the tagging of links between molecules it would take a very long time to accomplish this.

With a multitude of ways to label these links, scientists would need to determine the best way of tracking the links. Fluorescence has so far been the most efficient way of doing it. By adding it to the strand a multitude of colors come into focus. From visible light to the unseen x-rays scientists can now determine what reactions are associated with the various colors.

Labeling of the various legs of the molecule can determine where it could break down and the problematic area can be addressed. Marking the legs of the molecule helps in determining the weak points without having to reproduce the molecule over and over. The marking of various molecules can be done prior to combining them to form a substance.

The advantage of using this system of marking is that it allows for a broader spectrum of light to be used. From the unseen UV to the more dangerous X-rays, the entire reaction can be checked, even beyond what can physically being seen. Mapping these proteins can aid the scientists in the research for cures such as cancer and AIDS.

Adding new molecules to proteins can create an array of new biological proteins. This can aid in determining how to combat diseases and even eradicate them all together. Scientists are always trying to go further and deeper into the construction of proteins to see how they work. Techniques used to view these interactions is only limited to the current technologies. As new techniques are found a broader understanding of building blocks of life will be found

Applications for all these new and modern technologies all lead up to a better life on earth. No matter what the need is protein labeling is an important part of discovering how and why proteins reach with one another. A complete map of the building blocks of life is yet to be discovered and this is the first step in this quest of discovery.

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